Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to use money in Biblical way

Things to remember about money

Everyday provision that we sometimes neglect to appreciate is the material wealth or the thing called money.
Money is a blessing from GOD, it is a blessing and yet when it is misuse can be curse in once life.
Money is probably one of the most misunderstood element in daily life
In psalm 119:105 your word is lamp to my feet and light to my path. From the words of GOD we can have better understanding of this often misunderstood blessing called money.
What does the bible say or teach and reminds us about money?

Things to remember about money:

Money is a shelter - we should make money in honest way. Dishonest money disappear bit by bit , clean money grows and grows. Prov.13:11 “dishonest money dwindles away, but he who or his money little by little makes it grow”. It means, you need not to make money instantly but little by little. Dirty money disappear quickly. Dishonest money has no value, if your dirty money grow a fewer capacity to enjoy it. Or it can never satisfy. That’s why if you need to be productive in term of money, it should be done in honest way. So to earn money in honest way.
Other say money is bad or money is the root of evil. But how can help people who need it if you have nothing to give. Money is not bad because it is a blessing from GOD. That is why it important to understand it thoroughly from a very biblical point of views.

Money is to be multiplied – we don’t make money, God does it, but what we need to do is through or GOD given gift thru work and honestly make it grow. Money is to be invested not just spend. GOD loves seeing money being multiplied. In parable that Jesus told about money or sometimes called talent. He gave deferent amount of money that expected grow according to our capacity. Mathew 25:16 the man who received 5 talent went at once and put his money to work and gave 5 more. So he did spend his money he invest it and let it grow. But in the other hand he gave to the other man a little and expect also to grow but what happen? It didn’t grow as he expected he instead burry to the ground to the fear of disappearing. Well then, says in the parable representing GOD, you should have put my money in the bank, so that when I returned I would have received it back with the interest. God want his money grows continuously, because the lord multiplies blessings. We should make money more than we need so that we can share to those who are in needs.

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