Saturday, November 22, 2008


I cringe every time I think of how Jesus was traded for 30 pieces of silver. That was all it took to hand Him over to the chief priests. Judas Iscariot gave up his love for Christ for a pouch full of money. I cringe even more when I realize that as struggling and sinful Christians, we all play Judas Iscariot. We have all “traded” Jesus for this world’s version of 30 pieces of silver.
Each time we fall into sin, we trade our love for Jesus for something else.
Harboring anger and resentment towards another person. Lying to save face.
Not going to Mass because of laziness.
Choosing money over kindness and righteousness.
Each time we choose not to do the loving thing.
We all have our versions of 30 pieces of silver.
I pray that no amount of silver, or its many varied, deceitful versions, will keep our eyes and hearts away from the real treasure – Jesus.

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